From anywhere in the world

form your US company with ease!

Subscribe to the Golden Package to enjoy a suite of comprehensive services for your business:

✔ A legally registered US company under your name

✔ U.S. bank account with the ability to send and receive funds in USD

✔ Lifetime legal, accounting, and tax support

Start Your Company in the USA

form your US company with ease!

Subscribe for the Golden Package to enjoy a suite of comprehensive services for your business

A legally registered US company under your name
U.S. bank account with the ability to send and receive funds in USD
Lifetime legal, accounting, and tax support

Trust Pilot 4.5 Excellent

Form Your Company

in America

from anywhere

in the world with ease.

Subscribe to the Golden Package
and enjoy a suite of comprehensive services for your business

A legally registered US company under your name
U.S. bank account with the ability to send and receive funds in USD
Lifetime legal, accounting, and tax support

Trust Review •


Excellent •

4.5 Trust pilot


Why HFA Firm?

Given our deep understanding of the complexities and legal procedures involved in starting a company in the United States, we have developed the “Golden Package” — the ultimate solution for establishing and launching your business from anywhere in the world. This package provides all the necessary tools for setting up a U.S. company effortlessly, enabling you to achieve success from day one. Join over 400 entrepreneurs and business professionals whom we have successfully assisted in establishing their companies swiftly and confidently. Receive comprehensive technical and legal support and access to all the essential information you need.

We handle the entire formation process, including ongoing legal and tax follow-up for your company, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Why HFA Firm?

Given our deep understanding of the complexities and legal procedures involved in starting a company in the United States, we have developed the “Golden Package” — the ultimate solution for establishing and launching your business from anywhere in the world. This package provides all the necessary tools for setting up a U.S. company effortlessly, enabling you to achieve success from day one.

Join over 400 entrepreneurs and business professionals whom we have successfully assisted in establishing their companies swiftly and confidently. Receive comprehensive technical and legal support and access to all the essential information you need.

We handle the entire formation process, including ongoing legal and tax follow-up for your company, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

ما هي المزايا الرئيسية للإقامة العمانية؟

ما هي المزايا الرئيسية للإقامة العمانية؟

  • إقامة مستقلة عن أي دولة
    لا تتطلب وجود إقامة في أي بلد ويتم استخراجها على بيانات جواز السفر فقط.
  • إمكانية الدخول لدول أخرى

    تسمح لحاملها الدخول إلى الأردن ومصر بدون فيزا.
  • إقامة طويلة الأمد
    يمكن إصدار الإقامة لمدة سنة أو سنتين قابلة للتجديد.
  • إقامة عائلية
    تشمل الإقامة أفراد الدرجة الأولى من عائلة المستثمر والأولاد تحت 21 سنة.
  • تسهيل الحصول على فيزا للدول الأخرى
    سهولة الحصول على فيزا لدول الخليج العربي وتدعم ملف الحصول على فيزا شنغن.
  • مزايا مالية
    إمكانية فتح حسابات مصرفية شخصية وتجارية في سلطنة عُمان بسهولة شديدة.

  • خدمات إضافية
    سهولة استخراج تأشيرات زيارة لأفراد العائلة والسماح بتوظيف العمالة المنزلية.

Establish and start your strong business

One-time payment


+$75 Monthly

This package includes about 20 services that guarantee you have everything you need to establish a company in America. It also ensures that you fully comply with US federal laws to avoid falling into fines of the IRS. Thanks to our constant monitoring of your company’s legal and tax status, you can focus on your work while we completely take care of these matters on your behalf. This package is a one-time $500 US dollars paid on subscription, in addition to only $75 US dollars each month, including all services and state fees. And there are no hidden fees here and there!

Establish and start your strong business

One-time payment


+$75 Monthly

This package includes about 20 services that guarantee you have everything you need to establish a company in America. It also ensures that you fully comply with US federal laws to avoid falling into fines of the IRS. Thanks to our constant monitoring of your company’s legal and tax status, you can focus on your work while we completely take care of these matters on your behalf.

This package is a one-time $500 US dollars paid on subscription, in addition to only $75 US dollars each month, including all services and state fees.

And there are no hidden fees here and there!

Don’t take our word for it, see what others say about HFA Firm

شاهد ما يقوله عملاؤنا عن تجربتهم مع HFA Firm

أهم الأسئلة والأجوبة

أبداً! إذ يمكن لأي شخص من أي جنسية أن يقدم طلب للحصول على إقامة في سلطنة عُمان.

أبدا! نحن سنقوم بكافة الإجراء حتى تحصل على تأشيرة الدخول (الفيزا) ومن بعدها يمكنك أن تدخل إلى سلطنة عمان.

وسطيا تكلف الإقامة في سلطنة عُمان حوالي 900 ريال عماني (2340 دولار أمريكي تقريبا) ولكن التكلفة تختلف على حسب كل حالة، تواصل معنا الآن لتعرف المزيد من التفاصيل.

طبعاً! يمكنك إحضار والدك ووالدتك وزجتك وأولادك ممن هم بعمر 21 سنة أو أقل.

طبعاً! بعد الحصول على كرت الإقامة في سلطنة عُمان، يمكنك أن تفتح حساب بنكي بوقت قصير جدا وبكل سهولة.

أبدا! أي شخص في أي مكان في العالم يمكنه التقديم للحصول على إقامة في سلطنة عُمان.

The all-inclusive package for starting a U.S. company for $75 a month!

Take the first crucial step to enter the world of business with confidence
there are no limits to what you can achieve with a U.S. company!
With a subscription of just $75 per month plus a one-time payment of $500,


establishing your U.S. company has never been easier!

The all-inclusive package for starting a U.S. company for $75 a month!

Take the first crucial step to enter the world of business with confidence there are no limits to what you can achieve with a U.S. company!
With a subscription of just $75 per month plus a one-time payment of $500, establishing your U.S. company has never been easier!

جميع الحقوق محفوظة © HFA Firm 2024